Selasa, 30 Desember 2014

Letter 1 : Problems and Potential Youths

Problems and Potential Youths
1. Problems Youths
Various problems that arise during the generation of these include:

a. Decreased mental idealism, patriotism, and nationalism among the community, including young soul.

b. This lack of certainty is experienced by young people towards their future.

c. Yet the imbalance between the number of young people with educational facilities available, both formal and informal. Tinggimya number of dropouts are not only detrimental to young people themselves, but also detrimental to the nation.
d. Underemployment and job opportunities as well as high levels of unemployment and underemployment among young people lead to reduced national productivity and slow down the pace of development of the national development and can cause a variety of other social problems.

e. Lack of nutrients that inhibit the development of intelligence, and growth.

f. Still many underage marriage.

g. Promiscuity which endanger the nation's moral foundations.

h. Rampant drug use among adolescents.

i. The absence of legislation concerning peraturanm younger generation.

In order to solve the above problems of the younger generation, it takes the efforts of a unified, focused and planning of the entire national potential to involve young people as subjects of development. Youth organizations that have done well is a potential that is ready to be involved in national development.

2. Potentials Youths

Potentials found in the younger generation to be developed are as follows:

a. Idealism and Critical Power

Sociologically, the younger generation has not been established in the existing order, so that he can see the flaws in the order and reasonably able to look for new ideas. The embodiment of ideals and critical power needs to be equipped runway balanced sense of responsibility.

b. Dynamics and Creativity

The existence of idealism in the younger generation, cause they have the potential dynamism and creativity, namely kemampaun and willingness to make changes, updates, and improvements to existing deficiencies or propose new ideas.

c. Courage to take risks

Change and renewal, including development, has risks can be missed, delayed or failed. However, it is necessary to take risks if you want to make progress. The younger generation may be involved in efforts to contain the risk. It required the readiness of knowledge, calculation, and the skills of the younger generation so that they can provide good quality to take risks.

d. The spirit of optimism and excitement

Failure does not cause young people discouraged. Optimism and excitement spirit that the young generation is a driving force to try to advance.

e. Independence and Discipline Pure Attitude

The younger generation has a desire to always be independent in attitude and actions. The attitude of independence it needs to be equipped with a consciousness of pure discipline on themselves so that they can be aware of the limits of reasonable and are considerate.

f. educated

Although the dropout factors into account, the overall good in the sense of qualitative and in quantitative terms, the younger generation is relatively more terpeljar because more open opportunity to learn from the preceding generation.

g. Diversity in Unity.

Diversity young generation is a reflection of the diversity of our society. Diversity can be a hindrance if it lived in a narrow and exclusive. However, the diversity of Indonesian society is a dynamic and creative potential if ditempatka in national integration framework that is based on the spirit of youth and similarities oath motto Unity in Diversity.

h. Patriotism and Nationalism

Fertilization sense of pride, love, and participate in the nation and the country has among the younger generation needs to be encouraged because it in turn will strengthen the spirit of devotion and their readiness to defend and maintain the Homeland of all forms of threats. With determination and spirit of this, young people need to be involved in every business and strengthening resilience and national defense.

i. attitude Knight

The purity of idealism, courage, spirit of service and sacrifice as well as a sense of social responsibility that tinngi are elements that need to be nurtured and developed among the younger generation of Indonesia as a defender and upholder of truth and justice for the people and nation.

j. Ability Mastery of Science and Technology

The younger generation can contribute useful for the development of science and technology when functionally can be developed as a transformer and a dynamic to the environment are more backward in science and pendidilkan and application of technology, whether developed, as well as simple.

The future of a nation lies in the hands of the youth or the younger generation because they will replace the previous generation in leading the nation. Therefore, young people need to be given in the form of science provision in accordance with the demands of the times, and keep the culture of his people.

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